Experiments and Ringbox Dioramas at The Iowa Imagination Station

A selection of exhibits from The Miniature Museum of Natural History and a portion of our miniature Laboratory went to the Iowa Imagination Station over Spring Break.

Here’s Angie conducting miniature acidity and alkaline experiments with the tiny test tubes.


And here’s Ethan assisting her on the first day.


all to a fascinated audience of younger kids and mature older ones.

ChemistryExperiments Rachel'sDaughter

We also looked at the miniature slides with various magnifying devices and miniature microscopes.


Then a group of talented diorama artists made miniature scenes in velvet ring boxes, using HO scale animals and assorted bits of nature modified for tiny effects.

RingboxDeerHere’s Angie helping a young artist..


And Lizzie Ayers-Arnone and her friend made their own very creative dioramas.


And Emily, Angie and Ethan also made some demonstration dioramas.


A whole world of miniature natural environments!



And Mr. Dog was also in the house, guarding the Miniature Museum and being friendly to all the kids who love dogs.


The Miniature Museum of Natural History and Laboratory are open for private viewings in our regular location at the Summit St. Studio by contacting us via the comments section on this website or by Facebook.

Tiny Experiments in the Miniature Laboratory

IMG_0841Five girls came to visit the Miniature Museum and Laboratory Today – Nora, Alice, Willa, May and Stella with Moms, Katie Roche and Kelly Smith, who also brought Iris, Willa’s little sister.  We did some walking around the miniature Museum with tiny shoes on little fingers.

Then we proceeded to the Laboratory and decided to do the Color Organ Experiment – to show the different acidity or alkaline properties of liquids.




We put on SAFETY GLOVES and GOGGLES to be extra safe!

Then we set up the Test Tubes with various liquids:

TesttubeA  TesttubeB

TesttubeC  TesttubeD  TesttubeE

NowWeAddDropsOfAnthro-  CabbageWithSign

Drops of Anthocyanin was added to the large test tubes first!



The girls added Anthocyanin to each set of 5 test tubes, the full size, mini size, and micro mini size.  All the results came out the same, with a spectrum from red to light greenish yellow!


GreenFoamSink3   MicroMiniTubes1


Then we looked at the miniature slides with the magnifier:


Then we tried to see if blue vinegar and yellow dyed baking soda would make green foam.  It did!  We did it with the miniature glass beaker

MiniatureGreenFoam2  MiniatureGreenFoam

Then everyone had a try over the sink:


Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, BTW!

The girls also made some miniature dioramas…




The miniature Laboratory set is closing down for the night—we hope to see you all on Thursday and Friday of this week at The Iowa Imagination Station from 10 to 12 am!


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